Print Solutions

A leader in aftermarket automobile repair coverage approached Proforma about their need to consolidate all of their print material into a single look and feel but was having difficulty in getting this done through their current vendors.  They were using six different vendors to produce their pocket folders, brochures, member cards, signage, booklets and more.

 After meeting with the client we discovered that there were multiple people involved in the design and ordering of each product based on their department.  Each department was ordering their items from a different vendor and none had the ability to cross check color and content before final printing.  Proforma stepped in and suggested that one of our designers work on each piece to produce a consistent look and feel.  From there we researched a number of our preferred vendors to narrow down the number needed to produce these pieces to three. (down from eight separate vendors they had been using) By using a single source to provide each of their needs, we were able to cross check each piece as it was proofed to the exact color and paper specifications. Proforma also created product numbers and SKU’s for each piece for easier ordering by each department.

The client was very pleased with the overall results as each piece had the same look and feel they needed. Not only did the integrated look exceed the client’s expectations, delivery time on each piece was greatly reduced. Their overall costs were lowered as well, since we were able to gang print multiple items and receive special pricing that was passed along to the client. The client is now having all of their forms and promotional items printed and provided by Proforma as well.


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